Foster Care Awareness Month

There are nearly 400,000 children in foster care in the United States, 13,000 in the State of Michigan, and 800 in Kent County alone.   May is National Foster Care Month — a time where we collectively renew our commitment to ensuring bright futures for the more than 800 children and youth in foster care in Kent County, and a time in which we celebrate those who make a meaningful difference in their lives.  This year, Foster Kent Kids has partnered with CASA of Kent County and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) to sponsor the #BeMyPerson campaign…

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Fall in Love with Foster Care Recap

Fall in Love with Foster Care Coaster

In February, Foster Kent Kids invited residents to step away from the stereotypical Valentine’s Day and Fall in Love with Foster Care. Foster Kent Kids is a Kent County coalition committed to recruiting persons to support children and families who are involved in the child welfare system as foster and adoptive parents, respite families, volunteers, and mentors. It engaged local restaurants to help bring awareness to the needs of foster care with a campaign called “Fall in Love with Foster Care”. Foster Kent Kids made custom coasters for area restaurants to use in February and offered handouts with ways for…

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Quarterly Newsletter

We have released our quarterly newsletter. Inside you will find our most recent successes, newest staff members, trainings and resources! Find our Newsletter here: To be on our mailing list, simply subscribe at the link above and you will immediately be “in the know” with what we are doing here at WMPC.

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Quarterly Newsletter

We have released our quarterly newsletter. Inside you will find our most recent successes, newest staff members, and an Action Alert to restore funding to WMPC. To be on our mailing list, simply subscribe at the link above and you will immediately be “in the know” with what we are doing here at WMPC. Fourth quarter newsletter here:

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Reunification Blog

We at West Michigan Partnership for Children (WMPC) believe that all children need care, love, security and stability, and for most children in foster care, reunification with family is the best option for a permanent and loving home.  We were honored to host Kent County’s first annual Family Reunification Day in collaboration with the Kent County District Court- Family Division and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) on Monday, June 10th, 2019. This was one of many celebrations occurring throughout the State of Michigan in honor of National Family Reunification Month in June.   Michigan Supreme Court Justice…

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Quarterly Newsletter

We have released our quarterly newsletter. Inside you will find our latest financials, staff introductions and how you can get involved. To be on our mailing list, simply subscribe at the link above and you will immediately be “in the know” with what we are doing here at WMPC. Read June’s edition here:

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Staff Spotlight: Meet Kristina

As West Michigan Partnership for Children’s newest team member, Kristina Prince is thankful to make an impact on Kent County’s foster care system as the organization’s data coordinator. In her new role, Kristina will help relieve the workload of WMPC’s partner agency’s case managers so they can focus on direct service to children and families. Kristina will process financial information related to case services in WMPC’s financial database and provide technical assistance to our partners around entering case information into the state’s child welfare data management system. Kristina has four years of industry experience at Catholic Charities West Michigan, one…

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