Matthew VanZetten is a community volunteer. Previously, he worked in the Kent County (Michigan) Administrator’s Office for 15+ years. Matthew’s expertise in working with diverse bodies of public and private stakeholders to redesign large, public health and human service systems to improve outcomes.
He has written several public and private seven-figure grants that have catalyzed public system changes in homeless services; child welfare services; children’s mental health services; early childhood education and support services; as well as K-12 education support services. He also helped create the West Michigan Sports Commission as an independent, sports tourism organization.
Currently, he serves on the board of the Kent School Services Network and volunteers with Tulip City United Soccer Club and the Hope Western Prison Education Program. Matthew is a proud graduate of Central College in Pella, Iowa (BA) and Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Michigan (MPA).
WMPC is the first performance-based foster care service delivery model in Michigan with the goal of improving outcomes for children.